Saying a Special Thank You on Mother’s Day
MARCH 22ND, 2019
Saying a Special Thank You on Mother’s Day – for Everything a Mother gives
Even the youngest among us can understand why we give chocolate as a gift – confectionery is always a treat, and a box of Iain’s handmade Velvet Truffles is a particular luxury. We can’t blame mums for wanting to keep such a gift to themselves (although there is always the hope that the box will be shared)…but what if you want to say “thank you” in a more special way?
A recent survey looked at all the different ways in which mums provide support – love, time and attention that we so often take for granted. The average Scottish mum, for example, has around 20 deep and meaningful heart-to-hearts with her kids every year (the highest in the UK).
She’ll be woken up in the night every month, she spends an hour and a half each week ferrying the children around, and she takes time off of work every year (2.5 days) to look after an ill or hurt child. Across one childhood, she might spend as many as 112 days watching her young ones at sports and activities.

Say thank you for each and every bit of support. Recognise mum’s love with a heart-shaped selection, of pralines, truffles and marzipans (which she doesn’t need to share!). Or, help her to create a month of relaxing moments with our Chinese teas paired selection. For something stronger, find the perfect match to a special single malt, and deliver both as an indulgent gift.

For the ultimate thank you, give mum back some of the time she has shown you – why not create a day dedicated just to her? Take her out, treat her to the theatre, or cook her a thoughtful dinner, filled with her favourites – and finish up with our tasting masterclass for a unique end to the evening. Perfect for foodies, it is an ideal way to show your mum how well you know her and are grateful for a lifetime of love