The Story of St. Valentine’s Day

For many of us St. Valentine’s Day is a day of romance in which we give our loved ones Valentine’s Day chocolates or Valentine’s Day presents. This day is famous for all the flowers, red hearts, romance and luxury chocolate we buy. And truly who could imagine this celebration without Valentine’s Day chocolate or some other romantic gifts for her or him? That is why Iain Burnett Highland Chocolatier has created and outstanding selection of Valentine’s Day Chocolates for any taste. Some of our most popular Valentine’s Day presents include unforgettable romantic gifts for her, such as gourmet truffles, a variety of Florentines, handmade dipped fruits and luxury boxes of chocolate. We also have amazing men’s Valentine’s Day gifts including luxury chocolates for whisky lovers and award-winning chocolatier selections. Our range of romantic Valentine’s Day presents will help you turn February 14 into a truly romantic experience for your loved one. But before we tell you more about our mouth-watering chocolate gifts and introduce you to our best selling products, we want to go back to the story of St. Valentine’s Day and how this holiday originated.
Who was St. Valentine?
One legend says that St. Valentine was a Roman Priest, who lived at the time of Emperor Claudias who was known for persecuting the Early church. Emperor Claudias believed that unmarried soldiers fight better than married soldiers so he did not allow them to get married. St. Valentine, on the other hand, following the church and the Christian faith, started encouraging people to get together and secretly married them. In the year 269 AD he was caught, imprisoned and sentenced to death for his actions, as performing marriage ceremonies was against the command of the Emperor. The story goes that the last words he wrote in a note were “your Valentine” which inspired nowadays romantic missives. Because of his sacrifices Valentine has come to be known as the patron saint of lovers – St. Valentine.
Valentine’s Day Chocolates
The tradition of sending cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts on Valentine’s Day is considered to have originated in the UK. Since the 19th century handwritten notes, have been replaced with mass produced greeting cards and around £1.3 billion is spent every year on cards, flowers, Valentine’s Day presents and Valentine’s Day chocolate. At the Highland Chocolatier we know how to make the best Valentine’s Day chocolate gifts that make this celebration and unforgettable experience.

At the Highland Chocolatier we believe that we have found the secret to making the best Valentine’s Day Chocolate. It is pretty simple – you choose the perfect Valentine’s chocolate present and we make it for you with a lot of love. One of our most romantic luxury chocolates selection is the Red Velvet Heart-Shaped Box. This amazing Valentine’s chocolate gift contains 20 beautiful gourmet chocolates from The Chocolatier’s Selection. They have been specifically selected to give your loved one the unforgettable luxury chocolate experience they deserve. This amazing Valentine’s Day gift can be delivered with your own personal message. What could be more impressive than a romantic gift that was made just for your favourite person? After you place an order through our website you can make any special requests or indicate your preferences at checkout. Then you will receive your luxury chocolates by post.
Check Highland Chocolatier’s Valentine’s Day Presents and Men’s Valentine’s Day Gifts for more ways to make February 14 an unforgettable experience! Surprise the one you love and you can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed. If you have any special requirements contact us today and we will do all we can to help you.