October is Chocolate Season
October is a special month for lovers of gourmet chocolate. Not only is it the time when appetites turn to comfort foods, but it’s Chocolate week too. Chocolate Week runs from the 10th to 18th October, culminating in the London Chocolate Show on the second weekend.

Our Chocolate Events in Grandtully & St Andrews Shops
We will be inviting visitors to our shops to taste and compare up to four exotic new flavours of spiced Velvet Truffles. We are seeking your feedback to help select and refine the one to be launched for Christmas.
In St Andrews we will be unveiling an amazing new chocolate sculpture. While in Grandtully you can watch through the kitchen viewing window as a painting is being created in different shades of chocolate on Thursday and Friday (11.00 am to 3.00 pm) and there will be chocolate making demonstrations on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October.
Contact Us for timing and more details.
Look out for special offers and a competition on-line too.

Click here to win two free tickets. (Ends Monday 13th October, midnight)
The London Chocolate Show will be held at Olympia National Hall with over sixty British and international participants: from artisans to iconic brands, chefs to cocoa experts. Each will be indulging visitors with their knowledge and passion for fine chocolate. There will be a plethora of chocolate activities and even a Chocolate Fashion Show.
Iain Burnett and Commercial Director Julie Collier will be representing The Highland Chocolatier all weekend. You will find Julie sharing samples, enthusiastically describing the taste journey across the palate and advising on pairing with a wide range of drinks at our stand. She will be hosting a Chocolate and Whisky Tasting in the International Chocolate Awards Tasting Room on Sunday at 3.00 pm.
While Iain will be
- Conducting a Tasting with seventy guests of the Academy of Chocolate on Saturday at 2.00 pm.
- Demonstrating on the Main Stage at 2.00 pm on Sunday with a presentation entitled “Orange Crunch – a Velvet Praline?”
- Judging the Great British Spiced Chocolate Challenge, an honour bestowed on him as winner of the Great British Salted Chocolate Challenge last year, at 3.00 pm on Saturday.
- Attending the World Finals of the International Chocolate Awards on Saturday evening…fingers crossed.